Cinema design

Fees and Expenses

At the start of any project we will work with you to agree a defined project brief and scope of works tailored to the project requirements. We can provide a sample scope of works on request enabling you to choose what elements are required for the project.

The roles of each consultant on the project will also need to be clearly defined, as some roles potentially fall under the remit of more than one consultant. It is important to establish this from the start of the project to avoid paying two consultants for the same work or some design elements being missed.

Once the scope is agreed the services we propose to provide and our fee estimate will be provided in a fee proposal. Our fees are usually quoted on a day rate for the number of days we estimate are required to complete the scope of works. Our daily rate includes all expenses, including travel and subsistence within the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

We can provide the specialist advice and design services your project requires at a competitive rate.